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Tuesday, 10 December 2019

How Using Olive Oil in Cooking helps avoiding Health Problems

Choosing a cholesterol free oil for cooking is one of the many advices that come to a person facing health problems related to over-weight and heart. Olive oil fits the bill for such people in variety of ways. It is considered one of the healthiest mediums for cooking food because it makes the diet packed with anti-oxidants good for fighting all sorts of infections. It is quite non-sticky when heated properly and thus, is considered a good choice for cooking foods for the heart patients.

Some of the most notable olive oil benefits are:
High Oxidative Stability and Smoke Point: One of the most unnoticed cause of cancer is the oil that is heated in kitchen. The oils with low smoke point develop carcinogenic substances when they are heated too much. Its fumes can be harmful to lungs. Olive oil has high smoke point, and thus, it stays stable at high temperatures. Also, the olive oil does not react to the oxygen easily. Thus, it does not convert into harmful peroxides when used for cooking.

Rich in Monounsaturated Fatty Acids: Olive oil is found to have about 73% monounsaturated fatty acids in their chemical make-up. These are the beneficial fatty acids which are good for heart. These help fight the agents in the body responsible for causing infections too. Since the oil is not very sticky in nature, it controls the cholesterol build-up too, which is responsible for the clogged arteries. Thus, olive oil brings lot of health through the food that one eats on a regular basis.

Rich in Vitamins and Minerals: Olive oil should preferably be used in moderately heated form. The moderate heating does not interfere with the vitamin and minerals content of the oil. Use of olive oil as salad dressings, or as a mixing medium for spices before baking this can provide more benefits. The oil retains its anti-oxidative properties and strengthens the body against all types of health issues. The people using olive oil for cooking, in addition to other good habits like exercising regularly or sleeping well, do not fall prey to the heart diseases till very late in life.

Anti-inflammatory Properties: Inflammation is one of the prime signs that any infected body shows. Instead of relying heavily on the anti-inflammatory medicines, it is better to make changes in the food we eat. Olive oil is found to be rich in anti-inflammatory ingredients. The anti-inflammatory capabilities of olive oil make it a good medium for cooking in order to gain more protection against infectious diseases.

Helps Lose Weight: Being over-weight is one of the prime reasons that cause various other diseases of heart and nervous system. Lot of gain in weight is attributed to the use of fatty foods. The olive oil not so rich in bad fatty acids offer good cooking medium for the people prone to weight gain. Since it does not get deposited like polysaturated fats, the oil helps in preparing low fat diet for the people trying to lose weight.

So, switch to Leonardo olive oil, if you want to look your best and feel healthier and stronger. It can certainly help in improving the health overall.

Wednesday, 13 November 2019

Pomace Oil is One of the most Popular Grades of Olive Oil

The use of olive oil is not just restricted in the Mediterranean regions, Europe, or America. Its use could also be found in India too. It is now a proven fact that olive oil is the healthiest cooking oil that not only makes your plates delicious but also takes care of your heart and health. There some exclusive ingredients including Vitamins E and K, minerals, and good cholesterol that make this oil the "king" of all cooking oils. Olive oil is available in different grades in the market and pomace oil is one such version.

Different grades of Olive Oil
Olive oil is available in several grades. Depending on the processing of olive fruits these different grades are created:
  • Extra virgin – These are considered the best grade of olive oil available across the globe. In extracting and marketing extra virgin, producers use minimum possible chemicals or in certain cases no chemicals except some permitted preservatives.
  • Virgin – This is a close variation of extra virgin quality but very popular grade of olive oil in India. Its processing is almost same as extra virgin but not as pure as that grade of olive oil.
  • General quality olive oil – Some olive oils are produced right after the first pressing of fruits. Different permitted chemicals are used at the time of processing.
  • Pomace olive oil – This grade of olive oil is obtained from the last few pressing of the fruits when the fruits turned to pulp. The process is called solvent extraction that removes last drops of oil that still remains present in the pulp. Olive pomace oil is also quite popular in India.
Pomace Oil is One of the Popular Versions of Olive Oil
In general olive oil is a bit expensive in comparison to traditional cooking oils used in India like mustard oil or sunflower oil. Pomace oil is the cheapest grade of olive oil. So, people who cannot afford rather an expensive virgin or extra virgin olive oil can opt for pomace oil that gives them the taste and flavour of olive oil.

Some Advantages of Pomace Oil are as Follows:
  • Though not developed from the first few presses, it is still another version of olive oil and extracted directly from the olive tree fruits.
  • Users get many benefits of olive that they get in an extra virgin or virgin. In fact, the bad cholesterol level in pomace is as low as any other grade of olive oils.
  • This is the refined version of olive oil which means no bad effects of any chemicals could be traced in this oil. As such, many hotels and restaurants are now using this oil replacing soybean oil for giving more taste to food items.
  • It is a non-GMO and gluten-free food article that means there is no genetically modified ingredient and gluten in this oil. So, people who want non-GMO and gluten-free food articles can use this cooking oil.
Olive oil is fast replacing conventional cooking oils that Indians are using for so many years. It is the olive pomace oil that giving millions of Indians the taste and goodness of olive without going for other expensive grades.

Friday, 25 October 2019

Few Healthy Olive Oil Recipes For The Beginners

Stress and work pressure every day leaves our body deprived of rest and proper nutrition. As a result, we develop several kinds of diseases over the period. A small change in our eating habits can do wonders for our bodies. Hence, a healthy lifestyle is very important to keep our body fit and fine.
But, healthy recipes aren’t always boring and unpalatable. You can make your version of tasty and delicious healthy foods using olive oils with the correct recipes. Just changing your regular cooking oil to a low-cholesterol one can bring about many constructive changes in your health. Cooking oils like olive oils can be a positive addition to your kitchen for a healthy life ahead.

Olive oil is the best oil for cooking as it helps to decrease several health disorders in the body. It is also beneficial in maintaining a healthy body weight if taken regularly. There are many easy food recipes where you can use olive oil to make them fit. 

Few such low-calorie recipes are:


You can make a healthy chicken or a vegetarian salad with olive oil. As olive oil does not have any flavour of its own, hence it only increases the nutritional value of the dish. You can sauté the vegetables in olive oil and mix them according to your preferences. If you want to get some raw vegetables, then drizzle some olive oil and give it a thorough mix. This way, you can have a tasty salad devoid of any calorific oil.

Focaccia Bread

Focaccia bread is a popular Italian food item. Although it is very popular among people, yet many health-conscious people stop consuming bread due to the fat content. However, you can make your own healthy version of this bread by using olive oil and beneficial herbs. Mix the flour dough with a small amount of olive oil, yeast, salt, and sugar. Allow it to bake and season it with some fresh herbs and onions. Your perfect healthy focaccia bread is ready!

Rolls with Roasted Vegetables

Many people love having rolls because of its tangy taste and flavours. However, since the rolls are cooked in oils, hence the fitness freaks often limit themselves from having them. But not anymore as now you can have tasty and healthy rolls made with olive oils. Roast the vegetables in a small amount of olive oil in a pan. Mix them well with the spices and keep aside. You can also fry the roti in a little amount of olive oil and fill up with the vegetables. Your healthy roll with sautéed vegetables is ready!

Cake Recipes

Whenever we hear about cakes, we only think about calories. But you can also make healthy and easy cakes with olive oils. Just replace the butter or your regular oil with olive oil in your baking recipe. You can follow the normal recipe along with this substitution. The cake doesn’t lose its fluffiness due to the use of olive oil in the recipe. Rather the cakes are much softer and healthier than the usual cakes made with butter.

You can also make your olive oil recipes according to your preferences. You do not need to follow any particular way to make these food items. Instead, you can browse through different healthy recipes of reliable company websites like Leonardo Olive Oil. This is a renowned company that sells exquisite varieties of olive oil and also provides ample information on healthy food recipes.

Wednesday, 18 September 2019

Olive Oil is a Panacea to lot many Pains

If you are searching for certain products that can be used in multiple ways, olive oil products meet the criteria most perfectly. Olive oil sees the best use in our lives right from the early age when the mothers apply it on their babies as massage oil. Other olive oil uses that help in making life easier are:
  1. As cooking oil: Olive oil is a healthy ingredient. It is best used as cooking base for preparing dishes. People suffering from cancer, cardiovascular diseases, blood sugar, and weight issues are advised to change the cooking oil to this oil. Thus, this oil is proving to be a storehouse of health in kitchen because of its anti-oxidant rich composition.
  2. Baby massage oil: Baby care products’ list is incomplete without the inclusion of olive oil products in India. The oil is said to be of hot nature and is an ideal substitute for mustard oil which many people are usually allergic to. The olive oil offers multiple benefits to babies like strong joints and supple skin. This oil is ideal massage base for winters and smells good too. Several health issues like congested chest in babies or stomach ache can be relieved by massaging babies with olive oil before putting them to sleep.
  3. An amazing beauty care product: A beauty care regime of those people who have almost nil time for self-care can depend upon olive oil. This oil is used in a variety of ways to help women take care of their skin and hair. Some of the uses of olive oil for maintaining beauty are:
    • An olive oil face pack: you can make a face pack comprising of left over avocados crushed coarsely and mixed with olive oil. Leaving this pack on skin for about 15 minutes give rejuvenated glow.
    • A solution for chapped lips: Combine olive oil with lemon juice about 1 tsp and 1 tsp sugar and apply it on lips. This solution works great for soothing the lips.
    • As an instant moisturizer and dead nail cuticle remover: You can apply olive oil on nail beds while cooking with it. Its resting on the bed for sometime softens the cuticles which become easier to remove. When you have just taken a shower or waxed the limbs, or face, you can massage the face slowly with olive oil. This softens the skin instantly.
As an after shave lotion substitute: Olive oil is useful for men too. If their supply of after shave lotion is running out, they can switch to olive oil as a substitute. Chances are quite brighter of their sticking to this alternative thenceforth.
A reliable hair care product: Olive oil offers reliable product for hair care. You can use this oil while massaging the hair or preparing a hair mask. It helps in detangling the hair and also keeps the mane soft, strong and problem-free.

So, these are some of the amazing uses of the best olive oil in India that you must know about. Once you use it for the purposes mentioned above, the results will make you go for it again, for sure!

Tuesday, 20 August 2019

Olive Oil Benefits For Hair, Skin and Face

Olive oil has been used as a beauty ailment since time immemorial though it is in the past decade or so that the beauty and health benefits of olive oil have become popular again. Packed even in its raw form with anti-oxidants and other anti-ageing factors along with the hydrating squalene, it makes for a wonderful ingredient in most beauty packs made for the skin, hair and nails.

Olive Oil Benefits to the Skin The benefits of olive oil as they are applied individually in packs or otherwise to the skin are:
  • It helps to moisturise the skin, especially during the dry months of winter. In fact this oil is so light that most people who swear by it typically apply it all through the year. This makes their skin feel and look soft and supple.
  • With an abundance of Vitamin E present in it, olive oil for face has important benefits in improving the health of the skin like: Treatment of inflammation, Alleviating the problem of acne, Forming a protection against serious diseases like skin cancer and psoriasis etc.
  • Olive oil can also be used as a make-up remover especially by people who have skin which is sensitive and erupts into rashes or blisters on application of non-organic beauty products.
  • The anti-ageing properties of olive oil have been known to women since the time of Cleopatra. These beneficial properties not only prevent the skin from sagging and developing wrinkles, but also help tighten the skin and give it a youthful glow. In fact extra virgin olive oil, though costly, is the best olive oil for skin and also needs to be used in very minute quantities.
  • When used in a pack as a lip scrub, it imparts a rosy glow to the lips and also makes them feel very soft and moist.
  • Cracked heels are a consistent problem especially in the dry winter months. Olive oil with its abundant Vitamin E makes for an excellent exfoliating agent thereby ridding the feet of unwanted and dead cells. It is also an excellent moisturising agent which helps smoothen the skin in the feet.
Olive Oil Hair Benefits
Having thick long hair no longer remains a dream with the regular application of olive oil on the hair. Again the vitamin E present in olive hair oil, when combined with other natural ingredients like coconut oil, honey, etc., help keep the hair healthy by:
  • Preventing loss of hair and
  • Keeping it moisturised.
The presence of certain micro-nutrients like Zinc, Magnesium, Calcium, Sulphur etc., also help to aid the process of hair re-growth.

Olive Oil for Nails
Nails are the first things that most people notice and hence they need to be kept healthy and looking shiny and strong. Not taking care of the nails can result in their becoming brittle, thereby breaking off very fast, dull and lifeless. Regular olive oil use especially by dabbing onto the nails, letting it stay for some time and then washing off, can make quite a difference in its appearance.

Beauty needs to be nurtured so that it keeps making one look and feel beautiful. Olive oil with its numerous benefits is the one-stop solution for almost all superficial problems associated with nails, hair and skin.

Thursday, 18 July 2019

Amazing Benefits of Olive Oil for your Health

According to statements by various experts it has been proven that Olive is the healthiest cooking oil that can be consumed, especially in its virgin form. Olive oil is derived from the olive tree which produces the olive fruit. It contains only 11% omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids which are known as polyunsaturated fats and only 14% of saturated fats which makes it healthier than any other oil. A high quantity of rich antioxidant is present in it, which makes it very much nutritious and controls cholesterol and thereby safeguarding your heart. Beneficial vitamins like Vitamin E and Vitamin K are also present in this oil. More nutrients are retained by food cooked with olive oil than boiling and can be used for frying, savoury cooking, roasting as well as marinating. For breast dipping and dressing of salads, olive oil is also a good choice as it has countless health benefits.

Health Benefits of Olive Oil
Olive oil which is a main component of the Mediterranean diet, olive oil benefits are listed below. Olive oil is very good in case of inflammations in the human body and related diseases like chronic inflammations. It is beneficial for patients with rheumatoid arthritis and acute pancreatitis.
  • It is proven to maintain healthy cholesterol levels and thus preventing fats in muscles of the heart and safeguarding against heart diseases.
  • Consumption of olive oil has proven to lower the rates of strokes in humans, especially older people up to 41%.
  • Olive oil has certain properties which reduce the risk of breast cancer by killing the cancerous cells and also by reducing the activity of oncogene preventing DNA damage.
  • Use of olive oil in cooking reduces the chances of Alzheimer's disease by preventing the accumulation of beta-amyloid.
  • Regardless of physical activities, diet and lifestyle, olive oil helps in slightly acting against depression which is more common in people consuming more of Trans fat.
  • Olive oil safeguards the liver against oxidative stress which tends to damage the healthy cells of the liver. Also, it helps against ulcerative colitis.
  • Type 2 Diabetes can also be safeguarded by its beneficial effects on blood sugar and sensitivity towards insulin.
  • Weight gain and obesity which is a big concern of the modern world is controllable by the use of olive oil in cooking.
Antibacterial Properties of Olive Oil
Apart from all this, Olive oil also possesses an antibacterial property which kills many harmful bacteria in the body. Rich in nutritional values, it can be termed as the best cooking oil for health and also has a high smoke point that is it produces visible smoke at a lower heating state. The resistant to heat property of olive oil makes it resistant to oxidative damage. It doesn't allow oxygen to react and form harmful compounds.

Choosing the correct olive oil is necessary. It is proven that extra virgin Olive oil is a very good choice for cooking and retains its nutritional values, thus very good for health.

Tuesday, 18 June 2019

Tips for Cooking Indian Food with Olive Oil

Great for health and fitness and wonderful for the digestive system, extra virgin olive oil is truly good for a lot of things. If you want to make olive oil a part of your everyday life then making it a part of your diet is something you want to do. The problem many find with virgin olive oil India is that it does not translate very well to Indian cooking. However, that is not necessarily true. Here are ways in which you can ensure that olive oil becomes an integral part of your cooking.

Being Cautious

One of the first things you can do is to be cautious regarding the kind of cooking you are doing with it. The main problem is that of unsaturated fats which don’t adhere well to high smoking points. It is extremely important that you don’t take olive oil up to smoking point; in fact, you shouldn’t cook with any oil which has reached its smoking point because it means that it may have carcinogenic materials. So heating up the oil in the pan slowly is the best thing you can do under the circumstances.

Choosing the Right Product
Needless to say, there are many olive oil products available in the market. Choosing the right product to suit your cooking is the best thing you must do. Here are some variants:
Extra virgin Olive Oil: This is the oil that is best for raw or cold cooking. This means that you can use it amply in all kinds of salads, cold meats and cold pastas. You can also use it if you want to sauté something lightly. However, using it for frying or deep-frying is a complete no-no because that changes the structure of the oil and renders it harmful.
Light Olive Oil: This is the oil that can be used for a variety of purposes including light frying. Since this is extremely light in nature, you can use it liberally in your cooking as long you make sure never to heat it too high.
Cooking Olive Oil: This is oil that can be used for anything and everything in Indian cooking. Whether it is for frying Pooris' or making curries, you can use this variant of olive oil easily for all your cooking. Enjoying the benefits of the oil is easy when you have this in your pantry.

Storing It

When you choose the best olive oil in India, you are doing a wonderful thing for yourself and your family. That is why storing it properly is something you need to do to make sure that it stays well. The best way to store olive oil is away from any source of heat because the longer it stays exposed to heat, the chances of the particles in it breaking down become higher. That is why it is best to store it away from heat or sunlight. You can put it in the refrigerator or any place that is cool.

Choosing a good virgin olive oil India will ensure that your family is fit and healthy.

Tuesday, 21 May 2019

Choosing a Healthy Oil for Cooking

The health effects of cooking fats and mediums are constantly being studied. There is a lot of controversial information available about different kinds of cooking mediums. However, one thing that is undisputed is that olive oil health benefits are tremendous.

Olive oil is not something new and superfluous. It dates back to the 12th century and experts suggest that it may have been prevalent even before that. This wondrous bounty of nature is being hailed as the best cooking oil in the world. Whether it is the "best" or not is something that is best left for debate, but if you are someone who is looking for a healthy oil for cooking in your kitchen, you will not go wrong if you choose olive oil.

Proven Health Benefits of Olive Oil
  • It is rich in monosaturated fats. Monosaturated fats are something that scientists consider the healthiest fats you can ingest.
  • It is rich in antioxidants which makes it great for the body to help fight free radicals.
  • Chronic inflammation is an important cause of several diseases like heart disease, diabetes and Alzheimer's. Olive oil has very strong anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Olive oil can actually help a person prevent strokes and heart conditions.
  • People who eat olive oil regularly have a lower chance of being obese or overweight.
Great for Drizzling on Top of Dishes
Getting olive oil health benefits is easy. There are so many fresh salads you can make. Including salads into your diets is easy because they don’t take much cooking, if any. You can also choose to drizzle some olive oil on top of your finished dishes, the same way one drizzles a bit of ghee after coking is done. It lends flavour to the dish and will provide health benefits as well.

Good for Cooking
There is a very important misconception about olive oil that it is not good for Indian cooking. Yes, this holds true for extra virgin olive oil, which with its low smoking point, is not ideal for the high temperatures used in cooking Indian dishes. But when you use pomace olive oil, that is infised with extra virgin olive oil and has all its goodness, you get a cooking medium that has a very high smoking point which can be used safely in all kinds of cooking. Whether you are frying 'bhaturas' or fish, you can use this oil safely and effectively.

Better than Refined Vegetable Oil
Most Indian homes use refined vegetable oil for the simple reason that it is widely available and that it is odourless. But does it have health benefits to offer your family? No. Natural olive oil with its immense number of positive benefits is the best substitute to your regular cooking medium. Use it for any manner of cooking and make a positive change to how your family eats.

Indian cooking is known for its use of spices and some varieties of olive oil are available that will take this traditional way of cooking to a healthier space. You will be happy of serving up delicious fare to your family day in and day out that is healthy.

Thursday, 25 April 2019

Olive Oil: The Ultimate Solution to a Healthy You

Olive oil has attained global recognition for the health benefits that it provides. The high content of oleic acid and polyunsaturated fatty acids like omega-6 and omega-3 are the reason for its effective medicinal values as well as its health benefits. It has the capacity to keep you healthy inside out. May that be your heart or skin, it takes good care of them all. It is rich in vitamin-E and it a great source of nutrition for hair as well. You can use olive oil in different ways for different purposes, yet again only benefits out of it, unlike refined vegetable oils that mostly have harmful chemicals in them or are deprived of important nutritious due to the refining process.

Here are some Health Benefits of Olive Oil
  1. Keeps your Heart Young and Vibrant – Olive Oil is a rich source of Good cholesterol HDL (High-Density Lipoproteins) which helps control the risk of heart diseases. Regular use of Olive oil for cooking can result in a healthy heart and controlled levels of triglycerides in the blood, maintaining the heart’s health significantly. Moreover, it helps the nerves and regularises the blood flow in the body to marginalise the chances of strokes. This is due to its action of preventing the formation of blood clots in the blood vessels. 
  2. Say Bye to Inflammation – The compounds present in olive oil help reduce inflammation in the body, giving you relief. It is proven to work wonders against inflammation, by soothing the nerves and the blood vessels. This action of the oil on the blood vessels leads to better blood circulation in the body. This can also be considered as the main reason behind the effectiveness of olive oil. 
  3. Olive Oil Massage - Good for skin and hair – If you are not yet using olive oil as a regular massage oil, then you surely might be losing out a lot. This oil has a special healing factor for the skin and hair. Being a natural source of Vitamin-E it nourishes hair and skin well. Giving a lustre to the skin making it look more youthful and bashful. Mix olive oil with small quantities of essential oils to boost its effectiveness and benefits. 
  4. Reduces the risk of Type-II Diabetes - a recent Spanish study backs the fact that diet rich in olive oil minimises the risk of health disorders like diabetes. This is due to the high content of PUFA in it. You can use it for salad dressings, as cooking oil or replace your regular oil with natural olive oil to extract the olive oil health benefits. Lifestyle changes have increased the occurrence of diabetes globally, which is for sure a fact to be worried about. A simple alteration in the diet practices would be highly helpful in keep such diseases at a bay.
The benefits of olive oil are numerous; all you require is to incorporate it into your diet as much as you can to draw significant benefits out of it. Moreover, the light nature of the oil makes it more consumable and suitable for people of all ages and cultures.

Tuesday, 19 March 2019

The Healthiest Choice for Everyday Cuisines - Olive Oil

Are you also among those, who believe in the beauty of the incredible olives?? Olive tree and olive oil are symbols of fertility, health and contain exotic ingredients for heart health. It is clear now, why it is mentioned seven times in the Quran and praised as a precious fruit. Olive tree and olive-oil health benefits have always been used in medicines because of its miraculous properties. Also, the olives are related to the earliest Greek legends and considered sacred. The great prophet Muhammad once said to his followers: "Take oil of olive and massage with it – it is a blessed tree".

The Indian population, which now leads the world in rates of cardiovascular disease and diabetes, has considered natural olive oil into their diets. It is healthy oil for cooking, which has replaced unhealthy refined vegetable oil from the kitchen shelf.

Let's have a look at some of the interesting facts and health benefits of olive oil:
  • In Greece, people eat an average of 26 litres of natural olive oil each every year!
  • Olive oil reduces bad cholesterol (LDL) and increases levels of good cholesterol (HDL).
  • On average, one olive tree produces around four litres of oil every year for hundreds of years.
  • It is great for heart health and has maximum monounsaturated fat (around 73%), which makes it a sound choice for the heart.
Skin Care Benefits of Olive Oil
Japanese people are known to have flawless skin and their skin care routine revolves entirely around olive oil.

Now the question is that why you should be assimilating this therapeutic oil into your daily routine?

1. With Olive oil say no to pore clogging and yes to moisturized skin
Being one of the most sanative oils in the world, olive oil is highly rich in anti-aging properties like omega-3 and polyphenols. It deeply hydrates and with its unique ability to mix with water, it also helps moisturize your skin without clogging your pores.

2. It Protects and Balances the Skin’s Moisture Levels

Olive oil shields the skin from potential irritation. However, other oxidized oils can lead to blackheads and can cause many skin related problems. Olive oil has natural lower oxidation rate than your skin’s natural oils thus making it a perfect shield to protect skin from getting oxidized.”

3. It has Skin-Beneficial Nutrients

Along with antioxidants, olive oil is also rich in skin-healing vitamin K, which helps your skin to stay soft and irritation free.

4. It is Versatile and Can Be Used All Over

With olive oil usage, the options are endless. Olive oil when mixed with sugar forms a sweet lip scrub. It also brilliantly tames that frizz and flyaways. It is a superb treatment for rough skin. Its acts as a cuticle conditioner, a nighttime lash treatment etc.

5. It Helps You Maintain Your Youthful Glow

Being lightweight and silky, it acts as a daily moisturizer to soften and nourish most skin types while imparting a subtle, natural-looking glow.

Oil from the olives comes out naturally when they are crushed and the vitamins and natural ingredients are not destroyed with chemicals and preservatives. This oil is, in fact, a gift of nature which humans have known and reaped its benefits over time. Regular incorporation of olive oil in our everyday routine makes eating habits and beauty regimens a lot more natural and healthier. So why not we give it a quick try too? Olive oil is undoubtedly the best way to support your healthy heart, skin, hair etc.

The past is proof of the goodness of olives, and even today, the olives are sure to give you the benefits you desire.

Monday, 18 February 2019

A Guide on Preparing Low Calorie Recipes Using Olive Oil

There is increasing amount of emphasis on preparing low calorie recipes. More people are becoming health conscious and realize how important it is to choose healthier cooking oils and reduce their calorie intake. The increased use of olive pomace oil is also an effort in this direction.
Here are 3 healthy recipes that contain low calories and make perfect options for your family and guests.

1. Carrot Methi Subzi
This low-calorie recipe goes beyond and is also an excellent dish for those suffering from diabetes. You can prepare it using the following ingredients:
  • Carrots
  • Fenugreek or methi leaves
  • Cumin seeds or jeera
  • Olive oil
  • Salt
  • Green chillies
  • Onions
  • Garlic
  • Haldi or turmeric powder
  • Dhania or coriander powder
Heat olive pomace oil in a non-stick pan and add the jeera. Once the jeera starts crackling, add onions and cook on medium heat for up to a minute. Add the garlic and green chillies, mix, and sauté on medium heat for just half a minute. Add the methi leaves, dhania powder, and haldi to mix and then cook on medium heat for up to a minute. Keep stirring and then add carrots, water, and salt. Keep stirring and cooking for up to 7 minutes.

2. Dahi Chana 
Dahi chana is both nutritious and gratifying. It is one of those healthy recipes that will give you the sensation of being full and will leave you feeling energized for hours. You can prepare it using the following recipes:
  •  Soaked brown chick peas or kala chana
  • Jeera or cumin seeds
  • Tejpatta or bayleaves
  • Rai or mustard seeds
  • Hing or asafetida
  • Dry kashmiri red chillies
  • Chilli powder
  • Ginger-green chilli paste
  • Dahi or curd
  • Haldi or turmeric powder
  • Dhania or coriander leaves
  • Bengal gram flour or besan
  • Salt
  • Olive oil
The preparation method is simple. Start by heating the olive oil in a pressure cooker and add the rai, jeera, tejpatta, asafetida, and chillies. Once the seeds start crackling, add the ginger-chilli paste, kala chana, haldi, salt, chilli powder, and water. Let it cook in the pressure cooker for a few minutes to let the chana cook. Mix the gram flour and dahi and add to the pressure cooker’s ingredients. Let it boil and then simmer for up to 5 minutes and the recipe will be ready.

3. Kadhai Tofu
Kadhai tofu shouldn't need to have high calories. You can enjoy this delicious recipe in this low-calorie version using the following ingredients:

  •  Ginger-garlic paste
  • Turmeric powder
  • Olive oil
  • Garam masala
  • Fresh tomato puree
  • Onions
  • Chilli powder
  • Capsicum
  • Coriander cumin seeds powder
  • Methi
  • Salt
  • Sugar
  • Tofu
  • Low-fat cream
  • Dhania
Cut the tofu into thick strips. Heat the olive oil in a non-stick pan and add the ginger and garlic paste. Add onions to sauté until the onions are light brown. Add the haldi powder, chilli powder, dhania-jeera powder, fenugreek leaves, and garam masala to cook for a couple of minutes. Then add tomato puree and water and let it simmer for up to 10 minutes before adding tofu, capsicum, salt, cream, sugar, and a little more water. Let it then cook for 5 minutes before this low-calorie recipe is ready. The dhania can be used to garnish the recipe.

These 3 recipes are easy for anyone to prepare. Make sure to use olive oil because it is a healthy oil for cooking compared to almost any other alternative.

Thursday, 24 January 2019

Why Olive Oil is the Healthiest Cooking Oil?

Everyone wants low cholesterol cooking oil for their family. But when you want to choose an oil, make sure it goes beyond. It shouldn’t be refined oil and it shouldn't have undergone excess of processing. Olive oil is considered as the healthiest of cooking oils for so many reasons. And it is even better if you choose extra virgin olive oil. It is rich in the healthy nutrients, is healthy for the heart, and is perfect for cooking in medium or low heat or for baking.

Explore the reasons why olive oil in India is the healthiest of cooking oils.

Pure Olive Oil or Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Extra virgin olive oil is perfect for cooking drizzling, sautéing and baking. If you want to fry and roast, you should use pure olive oil because it has a higher smoke point. It can withstand the high temperatures of frying. So you should use the right type of olive oil for different types of cooking.

No More Weight Gain
One of the biggest concerns when choosing cooking oil is whether it can cause weight gain. There are only 119 calories in a single tablespoon of olive oil. When used for cooking the right type of diet, it can even contribute to weight loss.

This is because olive oil is unlike most other cooking oils. It contains unique type of fatty acids – monounsaturated fats (MUFA). These healthy fats help in lowering your cholesterol level instead of increasing it. And MUFA contributes to 73% of the fats in this oil. The result is that you will not have to worry that your cooking oil can increase the risks of clogged arteries.

Prevent the Risk of Diabetes
Another reason olive oil is considered the healthiest cooking oil is that it prevents the development of diabetes. While obesity is once concern associated with cooking oil, diabetes is another condition that people associate with being overweight. When you switch to olive oil, you are taking a big step towards preventing or reducing the chances of anyone developing type 2 diabetes in your family.

Rich in Antioxidants
Olive oil contains the highest variety of antioxidants among all cooking oils. The health benefits of these nutrients have been proven beyond doubt. So when you use it, your cooking oil will add the following antioxidants to your food:
  • Alpha-tocopherol (Vitamin E)
  • Phenols like hydroxytyrosol and oleuropein
  • Carotenoids
These antioxidants can not only help prevent many diseases, including cancer, they also help slow down the process of aging. It is worth noting that these antioxidants are present in fresh fruits. Olive oil is the healthiest cooking oil because it is the only oil that is sourced from a fruit.

Thus, there are many reasons why olive oil in India is the healthiest of cooking oils. Among other benefits, it even has antibacterial properties because of the oleuropein present in it. If you need one more reason to make it a part of your life, you should consider why the Mediterranean diet is associated with longevity.