Wednesday, 18 September 2019

Olive Oil is a Panacea to lot many Pains

If you are searching for certain products that can be used in multiple ways, olive oil products meet the criteria most perfectly. Olive oil sees the best use in our lives right from the early age when the mothers apply it on their babies as massage oil. Other olive oil uses that help in making life easier are:
  1. As cooking oil: Olive oil is a healthy ingredient. It is best used as cooking base for preparing dishes. People suffering from cancer, cardiovascular diseases, blood sugar, and weight issues are advised to change the cooking oil to this oil. Thus, this oil is proving to be a storehouse of health in kitchen because of its anti-oxidant rich composition.
  2. Baby massage oil: Baby care products’ list is incomplete without the inclusion of olive oil products in India. The oil is said to be of hot nature and is an ideal substitute for mustard oil which many people are usually allergic to. The olive oil offers multiple benefits to babies like strong joints and supple skin. This oil is ideal massage base for winters and smells good too. Several health issues like congested chest in babies or stomach ache can be relieved by massaging babies with olive oil before putting them to sleep.
  3. An amazing beauty care product: A beauty care regime of those people who have almost nil time for self-care can depend upon olive oil. This oil is used in a variety of ways to help women take care of their skin and hair. Some of the uses of olive oil for maintaining beauty are:
    • An olive oil face pack: you can make a face pack comprising of left over avocados crushed coarsely and mixed with olive oil. Leaving this pack on skin for about 15 minutes give rejuvenated glow.
    • A solution for chapped lips: Combine olive oil with lemon juice about 1 tsp and 1 tsp sugar and apply it on lips. This solution works great for soothing the lips.
    • As an instant moisturizer and dead nail cuticle remover: You can apply olive oil on nail beds while cooking with it. Its resting on the bed for sometime softens the cuticles which become easier to remove. When you have just taken a shower or waxed the limbs, or face, you can massage the face slowly with olive oil. This softens the skin instantly.
As an after shave lotion substitute: Olive oil is useful for men too. If their supply of after shave lotion is running out, they can switch to olive oil as a substitute. Chances are quite brighter of their sticking to this alternative thenceforth.
A reliable hair care product: Olive oil offers reliable product for hair care. You can use this oil while massaging the hair or preparing a hair mask. It helps in detangling the hair and also keeps the mane soft, strong and problem-free.

So, these are some of the amazing uses of the best olive oil in India that you must know about. Once you use it for the purposes mentioned above, the results will make you go for it again, for sure!

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