Tuesday, 20 August 2019

Olive Oil Benefits For Hair, Skin and Face

Olive oil has been used as a beauty ailment since time immemorial though it is in the past decade or so that the beauty and health benefits of olive oil have become popular again. Packed even in its raw form with anti-oxidants and other anti-ageing factors along with the hydrating squalene, it makes for a wonderful ingredient in most beauty packs made for the skin, hair and nails.

Olive Oil Benefits to the Skin The benefits of olive oil as they are applied individually in packs or otherwise to the skin are:
  • It helps to moisturise the skin, especially during the dry months of winter. In fact this oil is so light that most people who swear by it typically apply it all through the year. This makes their skin feel and look soft and supple.
  • With an abundance of Vitamin E present in it, olive oil for face has important benefits in improving the health of the skin like: Treatment of inflammation, Alleviating the problem of acne, Forming a protection against serious diseases like skin cancer and psoriasis etc.
  • Olive oil can also be used as a make-up remover especially by people who have skin which is sensitive and erupts into rashes or blisters on application of non-organic beauty products.
  • The anti-ageing properties of olive oil have been known to women since the time of Cleopatra. These beneficial properties not only prevent the skin from sagging and developing wrinkles, but also help tighten the skin and give it a youthful glow. In fact extra virgin olive oil, though costly, is the best olive oil for skin and also needs to be used in very minute quantities.
  • When used in a pack as a lip scrub, it imparts a rosy glow to the lips and also makes them feel very soft and moist.
  • Cracked heels are a consistent problem especially in the dry winter months. Olive oil with its abundant Vitamin E makes for an excellent exfoliating agent thereby ridding the feet of unwanted and dead cells. It is also an excellent moisturising agent which helps smoothen the skin in the feet.
Olive Oil Hair Benefits
Having thick long hair no longer remains a dream with the regular application of olive oil on the hair. Again the vitamin E present in olive hair oil, when combined with other natural ingredients like coconut oil, honey, etc., help keep the hair healthy by:
  • Preventing loss of hair and
  • Keeping it moisturised.
The presence of certain micro-nutrients like Zinc, Magnesium, Calcium, Sulphur etc., also help to aid the process of hair re-growth.

Olive Oil for Nails
Nails are the first things that most people notice and hence they need to be kept healthy and looking shiny and strong. Not taking care of the nails can result in their becoming brittle, thereby breaking off very fast, dull and lifeless. Regular olive oil use especially by dabbing onto the nails, letting it stay for some time and then washing off, can make quite a difference in its appearance.

Beauty needs to be nurtured so that it keeps making one look and feel beautiful. Olive oil with its numerous benefits is the one-stop solution for almost all superficial problems associated with nails, hair and skin.

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