Thursday, 18 July 2019

Amazing Benefits of Olive Oil for your Health

According to statements by various experts it has been proven that Olive is the healthiest cooking oil that can be consumed, especially in its virgin form. Olive oil is derived from the olive tree which produces the olive fruit. It contains only 11% omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids which are known as polyunsaturated fats and only 14% of saturated fats which makes it healthier than any other oil. A high quantity of rich antioxidant is present in it, which makes it very much nutritious and controls cholesterol and thereby safeguarding your heart. Beneficial vitamins like Vitamin E and Vitamin K are also present in this oil. More nutrients are retained by food cooked with olive oil than boiling and can be used for frying, savoury cooking, roasting as well as marinating. For breast dipping and dressing of salads, olive oil is also a good choice as it has countless health benefits.

Health Benefits of Olive Oil
Olive oil which is a main component of the Mediterranean diet, olive oil benefits are listed below. Olive oil is very good in case of inflammations in the human body and related diseases like chronic inflammations. It is beneficial for patients with rheumatoid arthritis and acute pancreatitis.
  • It is proven to maintain healthy cholesterol levels and thus preventing fats in muscles of the heart and safeguarding against heart diseases.
  • Consumption of olive oil has proven to lower the rates of strokes in humans, especially older people up to 41%.
  • Olive oil has certain properties which reduce the risk of breast cancer by killing the cancerous cells and also by reducing the activity of oncogene preventing DNA damage.
  • Use of olive oil in cooking reduces the chances of Alzheimer's disease by preventing the accumulation of beta-amyloid.
  • Regardless of physical activities, diet and lifestyle, olive oil helps in slightly acting against depression which is more common in people consuming more of Trans fat.
  • Olive oil safeguards the liver against oxidative stress which tends to damage the healthy cells of the liver. Also, it helps against ulcerative colitis.
  • Type 2 Diabetes can also be safeguarded by its beneficial effects on blood sugar and sensitivity towards insulin.
  • Weight gain and obesity which is a big concern of the modern world is controllable by the use of olive oil in cooking.
Antibacterial Properties of Olive Oil
Apart from all this, Olive oil also possesses an antibacterial property which kills many harmful bacteria in the body. Rich in nutritional values, it can be termed as the best cooking oil for health and also has a high smoke point that is it produces visible smoke at a lower heating state. The resistant to heat property of olive oil makes it resistant to oxidative damage. It doesn't allow oxygen to react and form harmful compounds.

Choosing the correct olive oil is necessary. It is proven that extra virgin Olive oil is a very good choice for cooking and retains its nutritional values, thus very good for health.

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