Thursday, 18 May 2023

Everything That You Need to Know About Olive Oil

Olive oil has remained a staple for generations in the Mediterranean region. Owing to its multiple health benefits for the whole body inside and out, it has been steadily growing its popularity across the globe as well. People usually choose it for being a cholesterol-free cooking oil which makes it perfect for your heart’s health and prevents several cardiovascular diseases. And that is what makes it a great choice for Indian kitchens as well. However, it is not an easy task to choose the right olive oil for your family. With so many brands and multiple types of olive oil available in the market, gaining all of the olive oil health benefits isn’t so straightforward. Many questions may swarm in your mind regarding this golden liquid like whether is it even suitable for Indian food, what is the right type of olive oil that you must choose, how to buy and store olive oil, and which brand is right for you, and so on. Well, fret not. This article will answer many such important questions today to help you in the matter.


What is olive oil?

Olive oil is the oil extracted from the fruits called olives which are native to the regions with Mediterranean climates. Although cultivated in other parts of the world too, they are native to countries such as Spain, Italy, Morocco, Turkey and Greece.

Natural olive oil is extracted by pressing olives mechanically without the use of heat or chemical solvents. It is greenish-gold in colour, is pungent, has a strong flavour and is slightly bitter to taste. This oil is used in food and for some medicinal purposes as well.


How does using olive oil for cooking benefit health?

Tons of health benefits come from consuming olive oil. Since it is a cholesterol-free cooking oil, the foremost benefit is for the heart as it doesn’t clog the arteries and lowers blood pressure. It also helps to keep your brain healthy and prevent stroke due to the same reason that it keeps the blood supply to it, unobstructed. Olive oil consists of vitamins A, D, E and K in ample quantity which takes care of your health in various ways like checking blood clots, maintaining bone density etc. The plenty of antioxidants present in olive oil not only help to keep you looking younger but also help to fight free radicals responsible for the development of various cancers like colon or breast cancer. This wonderful oil is also packed with anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties which further aid to keep you healthy by preventing chronic diseases, reducing inflammation, pain and swelling, and protecting against infections.


What is the difference between extra virgin and virgin olive oil?

Although both virgin and extra virgin olive oils are equally nutritious and high-quality oils, their acidity is the key difference between them. While extra virgin olive oil has a fatty acid level of only 0.8 %, the acidity level of virgin olive oil is higher with fatty acids ranging between 0.8% to 2.0%. Extra virgin olive oil is obtained through the first pressing of olives and is of the highest quality, with virgin oil following close.


What is pomace olive oil?

Pomace olive oil is obtained by chemically processing the leftover olive flesh that is left behind after cold pressing of olives to extract virgin oils. Although lower in nutrient content, it is still heavily packed with the inherent olive oil health benefits making it a great choice for cooking oil. It is also less expensive than virgin and extra virgin olive oils therefore affordable and ideal for day-to-day cooking needs.


Is olive oil suitable for cooking?

Cold-pressed olive oil has a very low smoke point which means that it can burn easily with the application of heat hence it is not suitable for cooking. Hence, extra virgin olive oil and virgin olive oil can only be consumed in cold dishes and as toppings over different foods. On the other hand, pomace olive oil, which is obtained through a chemical extraction process, can be used for cooking food. This is because it has a high smoke point that makes it possible for your to heat it to high temperatures without burning it. So, it can be used to prepare food through various methods including sauteing, frying, grilling and baking as well.


Can olive oil work well for Indian dishes?

As extra virgin and virgin olive oils have a strong flavour they may stand out in the food which may not be appetising for some who adore traditional Indian flavours. Secondly, since Indian cuisine usually comprises hot and well-cooked food, these oils are not suitable for it as they have a low smoke point causing them to burn when heated. However, you can very well use pomace olive oil for preparing Indian fare. This is because first of all, it is a flavourless and odourless oil that can blend easily. with Indian spices and flavours without overpowering them. And second of all, using this olive oil for cooking benefits you as it has a very high smoke point which means it can be heated to great temperatures without burning or losing its nutrients.


Why Should Indian Kitchens Choose Olive Oil

Since Indian cuisine is rich in fats and carbohydrates which puts a lot of pressure on your heart, the ideal choice of oil for it should be a cholesterol-free cooking oil. Olive oil is 70% composed of monounsaturated fats which are good fats that do not deposit on the arterial wall and clog it. This helps a great deal in regulating blood pressure and preventing dangerous health issues such as cardiac arrest. The same phenomenon is also helpful in preventing stroke as natural olive oil helps to keep the arteries which supply blood to the brain, clean and healthy. As Indian food contains a lot of oil, the better choice would be to switch to a cleaner, healthier and leaner oil like olive oil for daily cooking.


How to buy olive oil?

You must only buy olive oil from a well-known and reputed brand such as Leonardo olive oil for cooking to be assured of its quality. Always make sure that you buy olive oil packed either in tinted bottles or metal containers as it is light-sensitive and can spoil easily on exposure. Also, you must check the date of harvesting the olives as well since pure olive oil has a low shelf life and so once extracted it must be consumed as soon as possible.


How to store olive oil

You must keep in mind to always store olive oil in a tinted bottle, away from direct sunlight and in a cool place. It need not be refrigerated though. However, you can store pomace oil in clear bottles too and in hotter areas of the kitchen as well.




As seen here, using cholesterol-free cooking oil for your family has its own set of benefits. And now that you are also clear about the types of olive oil, how to buy and store it and which type of oil is suitable for everyday cooking, you can make the right choice for your family. Just remember to pick a good quality olive oil like Leonardo olive oil for cooking and add health to your family’s plate naturally.

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