Sunday 2 October 2022

Habits to Help on Your Weight Loss Journey

Your habits truly make a difference when it comes to helping you maintain a healthy and fit lifestyle. We understand that sometimes, despite the fact that you might be feeling that you are doing everything in your power, you also might find that you are not truly achieving your weight loss goals! But this can all change by cultivating the right habits. Read on to know more.

Of all the things that you might be doing to lose weight or lead a healthier life, knowing and incorporating a few habits in particular can help brilliantly. These habits are effortless ones that you can easily add to even your busiest routines. So reason on and find out more.

Water Is Your Best Friend

We are sure that you have heard many a health professionals or websites mention that drinking a glass or two of water, first thing in the morning, helps you lose weight! Well, we couldn’t have said it better ourselves! Drinking atleast 1 full glass of water, on an empty stomach in the morning will has proven to aid the process of weight loss quite effectively.

There is a reason behind this amazing effect! Water is one element, that will help increase the amount of energy you use to do a certain activity, for almost and hour post its consumption. As a result of this, the more energy you use, the more calories you end up burning. Another benefit of drinking water on an empty stomach helps reduce your appetite, makes you feel fuller and decreases food intake in people as well. Essentially, it helps you to NOT overeat!

Anywhere between 2-3 liters of water in a day, is going to help you on your weight loss journey and also keep you hydrated throughout!

Pack Lunch

We understand that in this fast paced day and age, planning anything really seems to be redundant! But bear with us for a bit here! That takeout restaurant that you decide to order from almost everyday, might be a tempting option, but it really is not doing anything good for health! Have you ever thought of what all could be going into the food you decide to devour everyday? A lot of unhealthy stuff, that’s what!

So how can you save yourself from these unhealthy substances? Two simple words; Pack Lunch! All you have to do everyday, is to make a simple effort to pack your own lunch, as planning a meal will benefit you greatly and also prove to be an amazing catalyst when it comes to ushering in your weight loss goals! Remember, home-cooked meals are always better than those preservative laden foods you get from the markets/restaurants, since you know exactly what you are putting into your food!

High-Protein Breakfast

Breakfast is considered the most important meal of the day, and with good reason too! It is what you decide to eat for your breakfast everyday that determines and establishes a basis for the rest of the day! Whether you will give into that craving of yours or you will stay happily and comfortably full till your lunch time, is all determined by the kind of breakfast you decide to have in a day!

When you eat a high-protein breakfast, you end up saying bye bye to those mid morning cravings that hit you daily, resulting in you indulging in something that would definitely not be great for your health! As a result of this, you also end up paving an easier path to your weight loss goals, since you are not exactly stuffing your face with anything unhealthy! There is also the possibility that protein might help reduce the production of the ghrelin hormones (also known as the ‘hunger hormone’), thus making you feel fuller for longer!

The Good kind of Fat:

The whole concept of weight loss seems to center around fat-free foods and the likes, but this could be anything but beneficial. Fats are an essential part of your diet and going 'fat-free' never did much good to anyone. The trick lies in knowing what kind of fat to use. Healthier fats like extra light olive oil or refined pomace olive oil can easily be used for cooking on a daily basis.

Shallow fried goodies too are healthier when made with low cholesterol cooking oil such as these. The right kind of fats will not only.add to your health but will also help maintain your weight loss goals

Ofcourse, portion control still matters, but with a low fat cooking oil like the Leonardo Olive Oil, you can seldom go wrong.

There is a reason why olive oil has become such a huge deal in the health industry and this is precisely why. And for all the fitness enthusiasts out there, extra virgin olive oil can become your best buddy when it comes to.helping dress up that gorgeous salad.

The Bottom Line:

All in all, by merely adopting a few simple habits in the morning and making them a part of your daily routine, you will definitely be able to achieve your weight loss goals in a steady and effective way!    


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