Monday, 28 June 2021

Why Should You Include Extra Virgin Olive Oil in Your Daily Diet?

 Extra virgin olive oil has become immensely popular in recent times and not without reason. With the consumption of extra virgin olive oil comes a multitude of health benefits. Let us have a look at some of them here. 

What if we told you that it has been shown that in regions where olive oil is manufactured, people tend to live longer and healthier lives? Isn’t that an amazing discovery? You see, the people in these regions consume olive oil on a daily basis. Extra virgin olive oil or EVO, has been known to be of the highest quality of olive oil amongst the variety that is found in these regions.

Since extra virgin olive oil is extracted straight from the olive fruit without the involvement of any kind of chemicals or even heat, the nutrition level present in the fruits remains the same and stays unchanged. 

Is olive oil making you fat? The truth revealed! | The Times of India

To illustrate these points, here are some of the major health benefits that this brilliant oil provides its consumer.


There is a ton of variety in olive oils that can be found in the market nowadays. However, most of these happen to be refined in nature.  Because of the refining process, the olive oil thus produced is scant in most of the nutrients. Enter extra virgin olive oils. So, what makes extra virgin olive oil such a frontrunner in the health department? You see it all comes down to the way it is extracted.

Extra virgin olive oil is extracted in such a natural manner that it ends up producing a product that is filled with nutrients and antioxidants, derived directly from the olives themselves.

Extra virgin olive oil is said to contain more than 30 kinds of powerful antioxidants! Isn't that absolutely amazing? The said antioxidants, in turn, end up protecting the body from harmful free radicals, preventing diseases and even slowing down the ageing process, to say the least.

• Lowers cancer risks

It has been discovered with the help of a ton of studies and research that the food you put in your body has a major impact on the way your body ends up responding to problems and diseases like cancer. One of these foods is olive oil, which has been found to have a positive impact on your body's response against these diseases. This is why the prevalence of the disease is lesser in areas where olive oil is a part of the diet on a regular basis.

An antioxidant found only in extra virgin olive oil called Oleocanthal is essentially produced during the extraction process. This antioxidant isn't even present in olives. This antioxidant could potentially be the one element that might be giving extra virgin olive oil the brilliant disease fighting ability that it has. 

       Risk of Type 2 diabetes lowered

People who suffer from type 2 diabetes basically do so because their body ends up developing resistance to the hormone called insulin.

Insulin is a hormone present in the body that happens to be essential in regulating blood sugar levels throughout the blood. The main aim of the hormone is to help distribute the sugar present in the body into the cells of the body. The body then converts it into energy for the body.

The properties of extra virgin olive oil come into play in this context by helping metabolize the glucose present in the blood. As a result, this helps in improving the effectiveness of insulin in the body. Thus, extra virgin olive oil proves to be a great help in preventing or maintain good health even in diabetes

       Helps protect against strokes

What if we told you that strokes happen to be the most common cause of deaths across the globe, second only to death by heart issues.

However, strokes don’t come as a solo issue. Where stroke comes then it also accompanies other health issues like high blood pressure and high cholesterol levels, which in turn are also markers of heart issues. Now for another fact! People who consume higher amounts of olive oil, have been known to have close to 40% lowered chances of having a stroke.

You see, when people decide to start consuming extra virgin olive oil India manufactures, they cut down on eating comparatively unhealthier fat sources thus keeping heart issues at bay.

       Healthiest fat

This might come as a surprise to many, but extra virgin olive oil actually contains 73% monounsaturated fats? Monounsaturated fats happen to be brilliant when it comes to helping better heart health. 

Plenty of studies have come to conclude that a diet which consists mostly of monounsaturated fats will always help maintain heart health brilliantly, thus reducing blood pressure levels, inflammation issues, blood glucose levels and cholesterol levels as well

These are merely a few of the many benefits that the regular consumption of extra virgin olive oil can lend to your body.


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