Saturday, 27 February 2021

5 Benefits Extra Virgin Olive Oil Provides

Olive oil, for long, has been touted to be one of the healthiest oils that we can use to cook our foods in. Of the many things that prove it, the fact that in regions where olive oil is manufactured, people tend to live a longer and healthier life is a huge example. However, there are a ton of varieties that olive oil comes in. Extra virgin olive oils are one such variety. 

Did you know that extra virgin oil might just be the highest quality of olive oil? This is due to the fact that it is extracted directly from the olive fruit without the use of any kind of chemicals or even heat. So, what actually makes extra virgin olive oil India has so healthy? Read on to find out.


Healthy fats

A diet that is devoid of fat is not a healthy diet. However, what needs to be added to your diet is a good dose of healthy fat instead of simple fats. The great thing about extra virgin olive oil is that almost 73% of it consists of monosaturated fats which are essentially healthy fats.

Monosaturated fats are brilliant when it. comes to improving heart health. This would explain why they also happen to be an essential part of the Mediterranean diet. 

According to a ton of studies it has been found that a diet, high in monosaturated fats, helps wonderfully in maintaining heart health in the best way possible. This is what the consumption of monosaturated fats helps do:


Reduces blood pressure

Reduces inflammation issues

Reduces blood glucose levels

Reduces cholesterol levels.

Full of antioxidants 


Since a majority of the normal olive oils manufactured are refined in nature they happen to be stripped of any kind of nutrients. Extra virgin olive oil differs to a great extent, in this aspect. Due to the extraction process of extra virgin olive oil is the resulting oil is filled with nutrients and antioxidants, directly from the olives fruits themselves.

It will astound you to know that virgin olive oil is contains more than 30 kinds of powerful antioxidants. These help wonderfully in protecting the body from harmful free radicals. As a result of this, disease prevention and even slowing down the ageing process takes place.


Lowers cancer risks

Thanks to a lot of studies done in this sector, it has been observed that what we eat could impacts our body’s response to diseases like cancer. Olive oil might just play a huge role in the same. Like we had mentioned earlier, in regions where olives are grown and where olive oil manufactured, people suffering from cancer are less compared or other regions.

This is essentially due to oleocanthal; an antioxidant found only in extra virgin olive oil and not even in olives. This antioxidant emerges thanks to the extraction process. It has been found that this antioxidant might just be the amazing property of EVO that protects the body from certain cancers. 


Strokes protection

It might shock you to know that strokes actually happen to be the second highest killer across the world. The number one of course are heart diseases. The danger markers of both Strokes and heart diseases like high blood pressure and cholesterol levels are pretty much the same.  Studies performed regarding the same have found that people who consume more olive oil have close to 41% lower risk of developing a stroke. 

 This happens when one is open to replacing comparatively unhealthier fats in their diet with healthier alternatives like extra virgin olive oil. This, in turn is able to keep heart issues and such at bay.

These are merely some of the many benefits that extra virgin olive oil can offer you. There are plenty more where that came from, so do not forget to include this liquid gold like oil in your diet on a daily basis.


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