Wednesday, 9 December 2020

Benefits of Using Extra Virgin Olive Oil

 Wondering why EVO has become so famous recently? Here are a few benefits of using it on a daily basis.

Did you know that in regions where olive oil was manufactured people tend to live longer lives? This is essentially because they use the oil on a daily basis. We know you might have heard olive oil is one of the healthiest oils available to us. However, there are a lot of varieties of olive oils available from which one can take their pick.

Out of these varieties the one that has the most heads turning is the extra virgin olive oil. Extra virgin olive oil or EVO, has been known to be of the highest quality of olive oil. This is basically because it is extracted straight from the olive fruit without the use of any chemicals or even heat. 

Still confused about what makes extra virgin olive oil so healthy? Let's have a look.


• Lowers cancer risks

Did you know that a lot of studies have found that what ever you eat has an impact on the way a body response two problems and diseases like cancer? Studies have also shown that olive oil has a positive impact on a body's response against these diseases. This is precisely why the cancer risks are less in areas where extra virgin olive oil is consumed.

A specific antioxidant found only in extra virgin olive oil and not even olives called Oleocanthal an, could very well be the element that lends EVO this amazing property of protecting the body from certain cancers.



The majority of olive oils found in the market nowadays are refined in nature.  This in turn, ends up stripping the end result olive oil off most of the nutrients. This is exactly where extra virgin olive oils stands out. The best part about extra virgin olive oil is the way it is extracted. The natural process via which extra virgin olive oil is extracted helps produce a product that is filled with nutrients and antioxidants, directly from the olives.

Would it surprise you if we told you that extra virgin olive oil contains more than 30 kinds of powerful antioxidants? These antioxidants help protect the body from harmful free radicals. This in turn helps in preventing diseases and even slowing down the ageing process.


Helps protect against strokes

This might surprise you to know, but strokes actually happen to be the second most common cause of deaths across the globe when compared to other heart issues.

Apart from that, strokes also accompany other health issues like high blood pressure and cholesterol levels, which in turn are also markers for other heart issues. Another thing that might surprise you to know is the fact that in people who consume higher amounts of olive oil, the risk of developing a stroke is lowered by close to 40%.

You see, this is simply due to the fact that when people decide to consume extra virgin olive oil India manufactures, in their daily diets, they end up replacing other fats, which could comparatively be unhealthier. This is what helps keeps heart issues at bay.


Risk of Type 2 diabetes lowered

Type 2 diabetes occurs when the body develops resistance to the hormone called insulin.

You see, insulin is an extremely important hormone in the body to help regulate sugar throughout the blood. What the hormone does is it helps distribute the sugar into the cells of the body which in turn convert it into energy for the body.

Extra virgin olive oil helps brilliantly in metabolizing the glucose present in the blood, in turn, improving the effectiveness of insulin in the body. This is precisely why EVO proves to be an amazing product to help prevent or maintain good health even in diabetes.


Healthiest fat

Were you aware of the fact that 73% of extra virgin olive oil is basically made of monosaturated fats? Monosaturated fats are notorious when it comes to their speciality of helping better heart health. 

Thanks to a lot of studies that have been conducted, it has been concluded that a diet which consists mostly of monosaturated fats will help maintain heart health brilliantly.

This in turn helps in the reduction in blood pressure, inflammation issues, blood glucose levels and cholesterol levels too.


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